Service Enhancements for JTA Bus Routes, First Coast Flyer Begin January 27, 2025 - Click here to read more.
closePreference may be given, only once, and only during hiring, based on the following:
A. Those disabled veterans:
B. The spouse of any person who has a total disability, permanent in nature, resulting from a service-connected disability and who, because of this disability, cannot qualify for employment, and the spouse of any person missing in action, captured in line of duty by a hostile force, or forcibly detained or interned in line of duty by a foreign government or power.
C. A veteran of any war as defined in F.S. 1.01(14). The veteran must have served at least one (1) day during a wartime period to be eligible for veterans' preference. Active duty for training may not be allowed for eligibility under this paragraph.
D. The un-remarried widow or widower of a veteran who died of a service-connected disability.
A current member of any reserve component of the U.S. Armed Forces or the Florida National Guard, may qualify for the preference if s/he is activated and served continuously for two years, or the entire time for which s/he was called to active duty, and meets all other requirements.
A. Preference in employment may be given only to eligible persons who are described above and who are citizens of the United States of America, regardless of where said person maintains residency.
B. In all positions in which the appointment or employment of persons is not subject to a written examination, first preference in appointment, employment may be given by the JTA to persons included under A and B above, and second preference may be given to persons included under C and D above, who possess the minimum qualifications necessary to discharge the duties of the position involved.
C. A disabled veteran employed as the result of being placed at the top of the appropriate employment list may be appointed for a probationary period of six (6) months. At the end of the period, if the work of the veteran has been satisfactorily performed, the veteran will acquire permanent employment status and will be subject to the employment rules of the JTA.
When a JTA employee has served in the Armed Forces of the United States and is discharged or separated with an honorable discharge, the JTA may reemploy or reinstate the person to the same position that s/he held prior to service in the Armed Forces, or to an equivalent position, provided the person returns to the position within one (1) year of his/her date of separation or, in the case of extended active duty, within one (1) year of the date of discharge or separation subsequent to the extension.
Further, the JTA may reemploy or reinstate the person who was a veteran when employed by the JTA and who was recalled to extended active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States and was discharged or separated with an honorable discharge to the same position that s/he held prior to service in the Armed Forces, or to an equivalent position, provided the person returns to the position within one (1) year of his/her date of separation or, in the case of extended active duty, within one (1) year of the date of discharged or separation subsequent to the extension. "Extended active duty" means active duty, other than for training, beyond the date of honorable discharge or separation, due to military requirements.
A. First Preference This program will allow all veterans first preference in employment of all internal and external job opportunities for veteran’s satisfying the requirements of Parts A and B, of Section I above, (Appointment in Positions of Employment) with the exception of positions that are exempt from the state Career Service System, pursuant to Florida Statute 295.07.
B. Second Preference Second preference may be given to a person included in Parts C-E above, who also possess the minimum qualifications necessary to discharge the duties of the position involved.
C. Announcement and Applications All announcements and advertisements of employment vacancies will note that preference in employment will be given to qualified veterans or spouses of veterans.
D. Documentation of Preference Claim An applicant for a covered position who believes he/she is entitled to veteran’s preference in employment will indicate such preference on the application form. The applicant claiming preference is responsible for providing the required documentation at the time of making application for a vacant position. Therefore, the applicant must indicate that s/he is a veteran on the original application, in addition to filling out the Veterans Preference Application. Intentional misrepresentation of a claim for preference will disqualify the applicant, or if employed, he/she will be subject to discharge or other disciplinary action. E. Positions Exempted From Veterans Employment Preference The following positions are exempt from the Veterans Employment Preference Program: