Service Enhancements for JTA Bus Routes, First Coast Flyer Begin August 26, 2024 - Click here to read more.
closeThe Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program is a comprehensive program, developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), which establishes guidelines for the participation of firms owned and operated by socially and economically disadvantaged persons in DOT-assisted contracting.
As a major provider of public transportation and whose employees have extensive daily contact with the public, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) recognizes its responsibility to the community which it serves and is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination. The Authority has posted the Objectives/Policy Statement (26.1, 26.3) for the Public. See Document
For Triennial Year(s) 2023-2025, JTA intends to expend at least 23.4% of its total DOT-assisted expenditures with qualified DBE firms.
Owner(s) must own 51 percent of the firm and be a member(s) of one of the following groups:
Any additional groups whose members are designated as socially and economically disadvantaged by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and has a personal net worth not to exceed $2.047 million (excludes ownership interest in business, primary residence, and all retirement assets).
Socially disadvantaged individuals are those who have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias within American society because of their identities as members of groups and without regard to their individual qualities. Social disadvantage must stem from circumstances beyond their control. Evidence of individual social disadvantage must include the following elements:
(A) At least one objective distinguishing feature that has contributed to social disadvantage, such as race, ethnic origin, gender, disability, long-term residence in an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society, or other similar causes not common to individuals who are not socially disadvantaged;
(B) Personal experiences of substantial and chronic social disadvantage in American society, not in other countries; and
(C) Negative impact on entry into or advancement in the business world because of the disadvantage.
Economically disadvantaged individuals are socially disadvantaged individuals whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system has been impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities as compared to others in the same or similar line of business who are not socially disadvantaged. Each individual claiming economic disadvantage must describe the conditions which are the basis for the claim in a narrative statement and must submit personal financial information.
For more information on the DBE Program and/or getting your firm DBE certified, please call JTA’s Office of Small Business & Community Impact by calling (904) 632-5298 or emailing