Press Releases

JTA Service Changes Take Effect August 5th

JACKSONVILLE – Minor service changes to some Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) bus routes take effect on Monday, Aug. 5, 2019.

The changes comprise:

Route 25 – Adjustments to weekday Northbound and Southbound times, and the removal of the current final Northbound trip.

Route 81 – An additional trip was added to Eastbound weekday service, which will leave Dinsmore Center at 6:40 p.m.

Route 82 – Weekday Eastbound service has two additional AM and two additional PM trips. Weekday Westbound service has two additional AM and three additional PM trips. Saturday and Sunday Eastbound and Westbound services also gain two additional AM and two additional PM trips.

Route 83 – Removal of Sunday service.

Route 84 – Removal of Saturday service.

Routes 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 23 and 30 – Various time changes.

For the most complete and up-to-date route and scheduling information, customers can visit or call customer service at (904) 630-3100.

Customers also are encouraged to download the free NextBus app, available for Apple and Android smart mobile devices, to track individual buses and routes.

Yellow bus schedules will be available at JTA’s main offices, located at 121 W. Forsyth St., Ste. 200, Jacksonville, FL. 32204 and at Rosa Parks Transit Station in Downtown Jacksonville.

Schedules also will be available at Jacksonville Public Library branches, Duval County Tax Collector’s offices, CareerSource Northeast Florida, at JTA transit hubs and on JTA buses.

Braille and large print of all JTA printed documents are available upon request.